20221107 Quindo BIP Digital Youth Work IMG 0706

Blended Intensive Programme on 'Digital Youth Work'

To stay relevant, youth workers need to develop new digital skills. The day-to-day reality of children and youngsters is hybrid, Andy Demeulenaere calls it 'inline'. Together with Howest Department of Social Work, International Office, with support of the Erasmus+ programme, Quindo organised a Blended Intensive programme on Digital Youth Work, for students from Vilnius, Paris, Santarém, Bruges and Courtrai.


Everyone and everything digital

The youth work field, national and international, is an inspiring and diverse field. And in times where technological innovation progresses everyday, also subject to digitalisation. Young people are digital content creators and post via their own channels,they communicate online and are confronted with a giga-amount of information from all kinds of sources. And that has impact on our youth work field.

Nothing new

The EU-framework on Digital Youth Work defines it not as a new field, but as the implementation of tools, content and activities that include digital components. That doesn't mean it has to be something fancy or big. Digital Youth Work is already everywhere. 

From online youth houses to the production of short movies and podcasts. WhatsApp-groups as a means of exchanging information or organized TikTok-choreographies. There's a huge potential for the youth work sector to enhance and innovate our (digital)practices, without changing the goal and soul of our field. Alongside this potential, there's also a lack of confidence and competence in both youth workers and youngsters, and often lack of resources and strategic vision within the organisation. 

The youth workers (and youngsters) of tomorrow need extensive digital skills. They will need to be aware of the opportunities and the threats of new technology.

International exchange

In November 2022 we gathered in Kortrijk to learn form eachother, to inspire and be inspired and to stimulate interaction between students on a topic that impacts our shared field of working in a substantial way.

A B-IP is blended, so besides the physical exchange, there is an online aspect before and after the event. The students were inspired by good practices and workshops, got a theoretical framework from experts and will work on their own youth work activities in mixed groups.

The project was organised by Howest and Quindo, and funded by Erasmus+. 

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